Adults & Youth
Each week, the Music Ministry of the First Presbyterian Church, through much devotion and dedication, presents its best work before God, so all may sense God’s presence and inspire and encourage one another along our spiritual journeys.
If you feel you are being led to serve as a member of the Chancel or Handbell Choirs, or as an instrumentalist, please be assured you are invited. Senior high youth who enjoy music often join the adult choirs, either weekly or on special occasions.
Click here to contact Cindy Foust, our Director of Music.
Jo Ann Bathurst (known by all kids as Mrs. B) directs our Cherub and Celtic Choirs.
The Cherub Choir is made up of children from age 4 through first grade, and rehearses during the Sunday School hour.
The Celtic Choir is made up of children in second through fifth grades and rehearses on during the week as part of our Music and Recreation program.
Both children’s choirs sing once a month in worship.
Both choirs participate in a Christmas pageant and sing during worship at Easter.