Dedicate Your Time, Talents and Gifts

God has given you unique gifts and He trusts that you will use these gifts to glorify His name and help make Christ known to others.

Please support the mission of FPC Pottstown by making a financial gift and joining some of the ministries available to share your time and talents.

Annual Giving supports the yearly operating budget which covers the church’s daily expenses of worship each week.

Our gifts provide programming for education for adults and children.

They provide pastoral care and help to support our ministry partners through mission.

Each family is asked to make a pledge so that we may be good stewards, planning our yearly expenses and expenditures.

How to Offer Your Statement of Intention to Give for 2024

Bring your pledge card to church with you on Sunday, November 12th

Mail or call in your pledge card to the church (ph# 610.326.0260, 750 N. Evans Street, Pottstown, PA 19464)

Email your commitment to

Fill out our electronic pledge card below and submit it securely and confidentially to the church


Please make sure to hit SUBMIT after completing EACH pledge card.

You must hit submit after filling out the financial pledge card and then again after completing the time/talent pledge card for your response to be recorded. Thank you.

Financial Pledge Card for 2024

We all have something we can offer to God and to the ministry of our church.

  • I/We understand the amount of this intent may be increased, decreased, or cancelled because of changes in my/our resources.
  • The per capita charge supports our Presbytery, the Synod, and the General Assembly
  • The per capita charge supports our Presbytery, the Synod, and the General Assembly
  • Please add any comments here that you wish to share.


Time Talent Pledge Card

  • Below please check commitments you already make or commitments you are interested in making of your time and talents. You will be contacted by the committee chairperson if you are making a new committment.
  • If you have any comments or questions, please include them here.