We are not alone.
We live in God’s world.
We believe in God, who has created and is still creating,
Who has come in Jesus to reconcile and make all things new.
We trust God, who calls us to be the church:
To celebrate God’s presence,
To live with respect for creation,
To love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil,
To proclaim Jesus, crucified, dead, and risen,
Our judge and our hope.
In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us!
We are not alone.
These words from The Iona Community articulate well what we believe about who we are, and who we are called to be as Christians and as a community of faith. As a congregation, we are not an island but are connected to the greater church centered in Jesus Christ.
We are part of the Protestant Reformed branch of that family tree that understands that the church is “reformed and always being reformed.” We understand that the Old and New Testaments of the Bible are the inspired Word of God and therefore our chief authority. But we also understand that as sinful and fallible human beings, our understanding of God’s truth and God’s ways is always incomplete. We believe that God is still teaching us and forming us. God isn’t finished with us yet!
Within that Reformed tradition, we are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). To find out more about the beliefs of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A., you can read the 12 historic creeds and confessions dating from the first century to the twentieth century that our denomination has adopted. Click here for PCUSA Book of Confessions Part I. These creeds and confessions are always subordinate to the Bible, but they give us an opportunity to listen to Christians from the past, and they serve as guides for our beliefs and actions.
You can find out more about what our denomination is doing around the world at https://www.pcusa.org/.