The Forum

Our 2023 – 2024 classes included programs such as:

  • Professor Jennifer Koosed offered three classes on the origins of Judaism and Islam and current day issues in the Middle East.
  • Congregation member Shawn Smolsky offered two classes on the state of the environment and sustainable environmental practices, including funding opportunities.
  • Our health ministry team brought us speakers from local agencies to inform us on various health related topics and bereavement support.
  • Stephen Rodriguez, Superintendent and Pottstown School Board Member Laura Johnson spoke to us about the many successes and opportunities of Pottstown students and also the challenges the district faces due to underfunding from the state
  • Pottstown Teacher, Kelli Wolfel, shared about the twenty-five plus year history of our church’s partnership with Barth Elementary School including our tutoring program, and funding for Peace Maker Awards, field trips and school supplies
  • Representatives from some of our non-profit mission partners,
  • Our Porter Broward Taskforce explained how funding the church receives annually from the Porter Broward Foundation is donated to community organizations and used within the church.
  • Our Living Waters of the World Team shared about their current projects and partnerships in Honduras.
  • Pastor Roberta Kearney and the Discernment Team spoke with us on several Sundays about our current pastoral transition process.

Visit the homepage of our website for upcoming programming in The Forum.

Please join us on our learning journey.